Class of 1954
50 Year Reunion
Our 50 Year Class reunion turned out to be the best one of all.
We had 30 class members attending out of 54. Ten are deceased, so we think we had a wonderful turn out. All in all, with spouses, there were about 55-60 in attendance.
Our Friday night schedule included a wonderful Bar-B-Que dinner at the home of Johnny and Eleanor Schlechter. A large tent was set up at their beautiful home to make sure we had room for all. The theme was the "fifties". We had fun trying to make sure that we recognized each other. It was such a nice gathering, everyone wanted to do it again next year.
On Saturday it started with a breakfast buffet at 8:00am at the Drawbridge Cafe. At 10am some members went golfing, air boat riding, city touring - and of course that included South Bay, Lake Harbor, Bean City, and Bare Beach - while others just stayed and visited with classmates and visitors. We had a great lunch buffet at 12-2pm. It turned out to be a very busy day. They returned sunburned, windblown, and amazed at the changes in the cities.
At 5:00pm we did some picture taking, and danced to a great duo, called The Legends. That was followed by a delicious prime rib dinner. Betty Thiebaud Hindelang presented the memorial for our deceased classmates. We presented awards and trophies to our most deserving classmates. We enjoyed seeing our teachers and reminiscing about old times.
Sunday Morning, those of us who weren't catching a plane, or having to leave, had breakfast at the Black Gold Steakhouse to say our goodbyes.
What an"awesome" class reunion!!